Hazard mapping as a fundamental element of OSH management systems currently used in the mining sector

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Gridina Elena Borisovna , Kovshov S. V., Borovikov D. O. Hazard mapping as a fundamental element of OSH management systems currently used in the mining sector Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2022. №1. pp. 107-115. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15CiUwkSr7-Unq1MV3m7Nntxj6DxAe_-Z/view?usp=sharing


Gridina Elena Borisovna , Kovshov S. V., Borovikov D. O.


Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu



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Purpose. Development of approaches to modernize the occupational health and safety management system in a mining company based on the introduction of a risk-based approach, which reduces the likelihood of incidents and improves the quality of working conditions of personnel. Methodology. In this study, it is advisable to use a matrix method based on score estimates of working conditions for each identified hazard. To prepare the professional risk assessment map, the register of violations (incidents) over the past 10 years was carefully analyzed on the cross-section, the opinion of employees directly related to the implementation of technological operations was taken into account, third-party experts were also involved, thanks to which it was possible to structure the information obtained during the study. Findings. The main result is a map of professional risk assessment for a dragline driver compiled based on real data related to incidents, consisting of 90 dangerous situations, on the basis of which the main causes of injuries at a real mining enterprise were identified, as well as measures to improve working conditions were proposed. Originality. The authors proposed a specific type of maps for assessing the professional risks of employees, which allows considering the general situation of exposure to harmful and hazardous production factors on employees with the possibility of classifying: sources of danger; negative events with the reasons for their manifestation; risk management measures; assessing the severity and likelihood of such events. The specificity is that risk assessment should be carried out for all major open-pit coal operations. The proposed approach makes it possible to identify problem areas for each operation and to focus on specific tasks, with responsible actors. In this way, management has some recommendations to improve the quality of working conditions. Risk assessment maps are an intermediate element in the calculation of the safety index (Elmeri Index). In this way, it is possible to obtain a final opinion not only on safety in the performance of specific technological operations, but also on safety at the enterprise as a whole. Such information is relevant for insurance companies in connection with the application of tariff coefficients for obtaining services, which include comprehensive enterprise protection programs, which is an integral part for mining companies. Practical value. Early identification and elimination of situations that can adversely affect the health of an employee of the enterprise allows controlling the risk arising in the process of professional labor activity. Keywords: mining enterprises, OSH management, occupational risk map, scoring method, risk matrix