At the present time, training of personnel in the field of mining and metallurgy production automation is an important area in the system of higher engineering education. The Chair of Process and Production Automation at the Saint-Petersburg Mining University efficiently participates in these activities. The Chair was established in 2006 by Prof I.N. Beloglazov and is now reputed one of the higher rank bodies in the field of personnel training for the high-tech objects of the mining industry of Russia. The founder of the Chair for many years investigated chemical and metallurgical processes under production of rebellious polymetal materials with a purpose of automation of these processes. High level and quality of research activities at the Chair is proved by victories in various contests and exhibitions. Until now the Chair keeps traditions and successfully implements continuity in personnel training. Since 2011 students are trained by the two-level higher trade education Bachelor–Master system in the areas of Process and Production Automation (specialties: metallurgy, oil refining, mining) and Production Machines and Equipment (specialty: petroleum and gas processing equipment). The modern equipment package represented by pilot-scale objects and laboratories of leading foreign companies ensures the qualitative training of specialists.