Articles in journals
- Koptev V. Y., Kopteva A. V.
, Malarev V. I., Ivanova T. S. Development of a power transformer residual life diagnostic system based on fuzzy logic methods / Journal of Physics Conference Series , № 1353, Т 1, 2019. С 1 - 9 . Details
- Koptev V. Y., Kopteva A. V.
, Malarev V. I. Electric Power Supply System Development for Down-hole Electric Steam Generators to Produce High-viscosity Oil / International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018, № 144272, Т 1, 2019. С 1 - 5 . Details
- Koptev V. Y., Kopteva A. V.
, Poddubnyi D. A. Increase in energy efficiency of oil and gas companies by perfecting of management systems / Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ElConRus 2019, № 1, Т 1, 2019. С 548 - 552 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Кулешов А. А.
Analysis of variants of ore transportation from quarry to concentrating plant in the conditions of 'Alrosa' corporation / Gornyi Zhurnal, № 6, 2017. С 1 - 7 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Коптева А. В.
Automated monitoring system for asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits in main oil pipelines / International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, № 11, Т 4, 2017. С 2191 - 2198 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Коптева А. В.
Developing an Ecological Passport for an Open-Pit Dump Truck to Reduce Negative Effect on Environment / IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, № 87, Т 2, 2017. С 1 - 5 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Improving machine operation management efficiency via improving the vehicle park structure and using the production operation information database / IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, № 177, Т 1, 2017. С 1 - 5 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Коптева А. В.
Improving paraffin deposits detection methodology for better ecological safety during hydrocarbon transportation / International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, № 12, Т 5, 2017. С 618 - 621 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Коптева А. В.
Mining business transportation system structure optimization / Source of the Document International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, № 11, Т 11, 2017. С 7402 - 7405 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Кулешов А. А.
Repair of pneumatic tyres of mining machines using up-to-date technologies / Gornyi Zhurnal, № 8, 2017. С 85 - 86 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Коптева А. В.
Structure of energy consumption and improving open-pit dump truck efficiency / IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, № 87, Т 3, 2017. С 1 - 5 . Details
Научно-педагогический стаж 35 лет.
Коптев В.Ю. приобрёл большой опыт научно-исследовательской деятельности, в том числе на граничных областях научных направлений геомеханики, транспорта, логистики и экологии. В настоящее время занимается научными исследованиями в области повышения эффективности горного транспорта и транспортных систем.
Articles in journals
- Koptev V. Y., Kopteva A. V.
, Malarev V. I., Ivanova T. S. Development of a power transformer residual life diagnostic system based on fuzzy logic methods / Journal of Physics Conference Series , № 1353, Т 1, 2019. С 1 - 9 . Details
- Koptev V. Y., Kopteva A. V.
, Malarev V. I. Electric Power Supply System Development for Down-hole Electric Steam Generators to Produce High-viscosity Oil / International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2018, № 144272, Т 1, 2019. С 1 - 5 . Details
- Koptev V. Y., Kopteva A. V.
, Poddubnyi D. A. Increase in energy efficiency of oil and gas companies by perfecting of management systems / Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ElConRus 2019, № 1, Т 1, 2019. С 548 - 552 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Кулешов А. А.
Analysis of variants of ore transportation from quarry to concentrating plant in the conditions of 'Alrosa' corporation / Gornyi Zhurnal, № 6, 2017. С 1 - 7 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Коптева А. В.
Automated monitoring system for asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits in main oil pipelines / International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, № 11, Т 4, 2017. С 2191 - 2198 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Коптева А. В.
Developing an Ecological Passport for an Open-Pit Dump Truck to Reduce Negative Effect on Environment / IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, № 87, Т 2, 2017. С 1 - 5 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Improving machine operation management efficiency via improving the vehicle park structure and using the production operation information database / IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, № 177, Т 1, 2017. С 1 - 5 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Коптева А. В.
Improving paraffin deposits detection methodology for better ecological safety during hydrocarbon transportation / International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, № 12, Т 5, 2017. С 618 - 621 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Коптева А. В.
Mining business transportation system structure optimization / Source of the Document International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, № 11, Т 11, 2017. С 7402 - 7405 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Кулешов А. А.
Repair of pneumatic tyres of mining machines using up-to-date technologies / Gornyi Zhurnal, № 8, 2017. С 85 - 86 . Details
- Коптев В. Ю., Коптева А. В.
Structure of energy consumption and improving open-pit dump truck efficiency / IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, № 87, Т 3, 2017. С 1 - 5 . Details