Добуш Василий Степанович

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DegreeКандидат технических наук
Job title Доцент Общей электротехники

+7 (961) 811-0253

Инженерный корпус, Малый пр., 83


Working hours
09:00 - 17:00

Author Profiles
Author IDs

RISC Author ID: 750973
SPIN-код: 1847-1101
Author ID: 56367825800
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9401-5638

Articles in journals






Publications in collections, proceedings, conferences

  1. Ivanchenko D. I., Belsky A. A., Dobush V. S. Application of Kalman filter for prevention of unrequired operation of power transformer differential protection. / / под ред.Aminov A. Z. //Saratov: Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov , V 1652, 2020. С 1 - 6.
  2. Dobush V. ., Belsky A. A., Skamyin . N. Electrical Complex for Autonomous Power Supply of Oil Leakage Detection Systems in Pipelines.. / //Omsk: Omsk State Technical University , V 1441, 2020. pp. 1 - 8.
  3. Belsky A. A., Dobush V. S., Malarev V. I. Electro Steam Thermal Complex Powered by Wind-Driven Generator for the Treatment of the Oil Formation's Bottomhole Area. / //Omsk : Omsk State Technical University , V 1441, 2020. pp. 1 - 7.
  4. Dobush V. S., Belsky A. A., Zamyatin A. A. Improvement of the frequency converter’s equivalent circuit when calculating non-sinusoidal modes. / / под ред.Aminov Z. A. //Saratov: Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov , V 1652, 2020. С 1 - 6.
  5. Shklyaskiy Y. E., Dobush V. S., Bardanov A. I. An algorithm for prediction of the DC link voltage of the VFD during voltage sags.. / / под ред.Shaposhnikov S. O. //Saint-Petersburg: Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" , V 1, 2018. pp. 763 - 767.
  6. Bardanov A. I., Dobush V. S. Restriction factor for quantitative analysis of the turns ratio changing of the power transformer. / //St. Petersburg: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , V 1, 2017. pp. 800 - 802.
  7. Belsky A. А., Dobush V. S. Oil wellbore electrical heating station with wind-driven power unit. / //Tallinn: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , Т 7724120, 2016. С 239 - 242.

В 2010 году с отличием закончил Горный институт по специальности "Электропривод и автоматика промышленных установок и технологических комплексов". После окончания университета по гранту Ученого совета поступил аспирантуру Горного университета.

В 2013 году  защитил кандидатскую диссертацию по специальности 05.09.03 - Электротехнические комплексы и системы по теме "Компенсация высших гармоник с учетом фазовых соотношений в электротехническом комплексе промышленных предприятий".

После защиты диссертации распределился ассистентом на кафедру Общей электротехники. 

C 2017 доцент кафедры Общей электротехники. 


Articles in journals






Publications in collections, proceedings, conferences

  1. Ivanchenko D. I., Belsky A. A., Dobush V. S. Application of Kalman filter for prevention of unrequired operation of power transformer differential protection. / / под ред.Aminov A. Z. //Saratov: Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov , V 1652, 2020. С 1 - 6.
  2. Dobush V. ., Belsky A. A., Skamyin . N. Electrical Complex for Autonomous Power Supply of Oil Leakage Detection Systems in Pipelines.. / //Omsk: Omsk State Technical University , V 1441, 2020. pp. 1 - 8.
  3. Belsky A. A., Dobush V. S., Malarev V. I. Electro Steam Thermal Complex Powered by Wind-Driven Generator for the Treatment of the Oil Formation's Bottomhole Area. / //Omsk : Omsk State Technical University , V 1441, 2020. pp. 1 - 7.
  4. Dobush V. S., Belsky A. A., Zamyatin A. A. Improvement of the frequency converter’s equivalent circuit when calculating non-sinusoidal modes. / / под ред.Aminov Z. A. //Saratov: Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov , V 1652, 2020. С 1 - 6.
  5. Shklyaskiy Y. E., Dobush V. S., Bardanov A. I. An algorithm for prediction of the DC link voltage of the VFD during voltage sags.. / / под ред.Shaposhnikov S. O. //Saint-Petersburg: Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" , V 1, 2018. pp. 763 - 767.
  6. Bardanov A. I., Dobush V. S. Restriction factor for quantitative analysis of the turns ratio changing of the power transformer. / //St. Petersburg: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , V 1, 2017. pp. 800 - 802.
  7. Belsky A. А., Dobush V. S. Oil wellbore electrical heating station with wind-driven power unit. / //Tallinn: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. , Т 7724120, 2016. С 239 - 242.