In 2010, she graduated from the Historical University of St. Petersburg State University, receiving the qualification “Historian. Teacher of History. "
In 2016, she graduated from graduate school at the Department of Russian History from ancient times until the beginning of the 20th century. Faculty of History, St. Petersburg State University.
In 2016, a defensive candidate dissertation on the topic "The Catholic community of St. Petersburg in the first half of the XVIII century."
2011-2015 - Senior Lecturer, St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions.
2011-2016 - Assistant, Department of History, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Peter the Great
2016-2017 - Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of General Sciences of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great
2017-2020 - Associate Professor, Department of General Sciences, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Peter the Great
Since 2020 - Assistant, Department of History, St. Petersburg Mining University.
The total experience of scientific and pedagogical activity is 9 years.
Specialists in the history of pre-revolutionary Russia, confessional history, the history of development and research of the Arctic.
The author of more than 60 scientific and educational works.