Goncharova Oksana V.

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DegreeКандидат исторических наук
Job title Доцент Department of Foreign Languages

+7 (812) 328-8073

Инженерный корпус, Малый пр., 83


Working hours
08:45 - 17:30

Author Profiles
Author IDs

RISC Author ID: 300506
SPIN-код: 6723-2410
Author ID: 57216791352
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8665-6240


Education  PhD in History (British Foreign Policy)

Research Interests  The Foreign Policy of Great Britain, Diplomatic history, The Vienna system,  Russian Identity and Russian Idea, European Art movements,  The development of local schools of European Art, European Influence on Russian Art, The co-influence in European Art,  English language and literature

Foreign Languages English, Russian, Polish (basic), Ukrainian (basic), Latin (basic), French (elementary)  


Associate Professor Peoples’ Friendship University (RUDN),   Institute of Foreign Languages (English as a Foreign  Language, A History of European Art (in English) 

Research  Fellow 2014 – 2016  Academic Paulsen Fellowship, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, U.K., Stewart Fellowship Award, Belfast, Northern Ireland 

Research  Fellow 2012 –  2014  Academic Paulsen Fellowship London School of Economics and Political Science, London, U.K.

Associate Professor Sep 2004 – Sep 2012  Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Russian Federation 

May 2007 – Jun 2008: Visegrád Fund Grant,  Rector's Grant  - Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland 

French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archive (Paris), Osterreichisches Staatsarchiv (Vienna)


   PhD in History (British Foreign Policy) 

   Magister in History, with right to teach English

   Translator/Executive Assistant

Academic: Publications & Related Activities 

15 papers to International Journals (in all of them single author) · 11 papers to International Conferences · 11 papers to Russian Conferences · 2 University Textbooks · Editorial work for 3 Conferences · 26 Conferences organized ·

Academic: Conference Papers 

2018  Goncharova O., British-Russian Relations and the Concert of Europe (on the Creation of the Vienna System) 16 March 2018 International Academic Conference: Problems of Modern Linguistic and Political Science, Moscow, Peoples’ Friendship University (RUDN) 

2011 Goncharova O., Vienna System and the European Identity. 3rd Global International Studies Conference: World Crisis. Revolution or Evolution in the International Community? 17-20 August 2011, University of Porto, Portugal 

2010Goncharova O., Russia and Europe: Opportunities and Practical Realizations. SGIR 7th Pan-European Conference 2010. Politics in Hard Times: International Relations Responses to the Financial Crisis, 7-10 September 2010, Stockholm, Sweden 

2008Goncharova O., European Identity in Russia: Problems and Perspectives. World International Studies Committee The 2nd Global International Studies Conference What keeps us apart, what keeps us together? International Order, Justice, Values. 23-26 July 2008, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 

2007   Goncharova O., Russia and the European Integration during the First Years of the Vienna System (1815-1820). Russia and the European Union after Enlargement: New Prospects and new Problems. Proceedings of the International Academic Conference, School of International Relations of the St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg State University Press. 71-78 

2007Goncharova O., The Concert of Europe (1815-1820) as a Global Government. The 6th Convention of the Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA) In co-operation with the GARNET Network of Excellence Global and Regional Governance –European Perspectives and Beyond. May 24th – 26th, 2007, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland 

2006 Goncharova O., Shaping of European Identity and Russian Foreign Policy in Europe at the Dawn of the Vienna System. 4th Convention, RAMI MGIMO, September 22nd-23rd, 2006, Moscow University, Moscow,Russia  

2006  Goncharova O., Russia among European Countries: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Reflecting on a Wider Europe and Beyond: Norms, Rights and Interests Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA) 4th Convention, June 25th-27th, 2006, University of Tartu, Estonia 

2005 Goncharova O., European Art during World War II. Papers of the 2nd Research Conference: Problems of Teaching the World War II History. Globus Publishers LLC, 86-91 

Academic: Journal Papers 

2014 Goncharova O., “For Protection of Peace and Welfare…”: Russia’s European Policy in the Post-Napoleonic Era. Russia XXI (3): 3-30 

2013 Goncharova O., “Political Harlequin” and the Anglo-Russian Alliance. On the Formation of the 6th Anti-Napoleonic Coalition. Russia XXI (2): 100-117 

2013 Goncharova O., The Development of the European Identity and the Foreign Policy of Russia: from the Congress of Vienna to the Treaty of Paris. Vector of Science of Togliatti State University 1 (23): 163-167 

2012 Goncharova O., Russian Foreign Policy towards German Confederation in 1816-1817. Review of Volzhsky University named after V.N. Tatishchev 4(11): 107-119 

2010 Goncharova O., The Carlsbad Decrees (1819) and the Position of Russia. Russia and Germany. Russia and Germany: Digest of Russian and German Co-Research 8: 17-54 

2008  Goncharova O., The European Policy of Russia in establishing the Vienna System of International Relations. World Order Systems: from European Wars of late 18th – early 19th century until today. Collected Papers. / Ed. by V.N. Maslov. – Kalinigrad: Kant RSU Publishers, 135-148 

2008 Goncharova O., Russian and the German Union in 1816-1817: Cooperation and Dispute. Russia and Germany: Digest of Russian and German Co-Research 6: 149-167 

2005Goncharova O., Collisions of Constitutionalism during the reign of Alexander I. Catalog of Annual Research Conference: Challenges of Global and European Politics 6: 13-17 

2005 Goncharova O., Russian Global Disarmament Proposal in 1816. Catalog of Annual Research Conference: Challenges of Global and European Politics 6: 9-13 

2005 Goncharova O., Sea Wars in 1939-1945. Catalog of Annual Research Conference: Challenges of Global and European Politics 6: 17-21 

2002   Goncharova O., Russian Proposal on a General Union of European States at Aachen Congress (1818). Interacademic Catalog: Russian Civilization: History and Present Day 14: 57-69 

2002 Goncharova O., Alexander I and the Holy Alliance idea in the works of Russian Philosophers (N. Danilevsky, G. Florovsky, D. Andreev). Interacademic Catalog: Russian Civilization: History and Present Day 15: 101-106 

2003 Goncharova O., The European Aspects of Russian Foreign Policy during the Buildup of the Vienna System of International Relations. Catalog of International Research Conference: Russia and the West in the 17th-20th Centuries: History, Relations, Integration. Ryazan State Institute of Education named after S. Yesenin, 37-42 

2001   Goncharova O., Flamboyant romanticism in the late Fedotov’s painting Interacademic Catalog: European Civilization: History and Present Day.2001. 11:67-82  

2000   Goncharova O., ¾ of Gothic – Gothic and Italian manner in Northern Renaissance Interacademic Catalog: European Civilization: History and Present Day 7:122-131  

1999   Goncharova O., Some Aspects of British-Russian Relations on the Eve of the Congress of Troppau (1820) Interacademic Catalog: Russian Civilization: History and Present Day 4: 184-190 

1999   Goncharova O., Dutch and Flemish influence on Russian Art Interacademic Catalog: European Civilization: History and Present Day 3:75-89  

1998   Goncharova O., François Clouet and the faces of the époque Interacademic Catalog: European Civilization: History and Present Day.1998, 2: 34-48  

1998Goncharova O., The Wartburg Festival (1817) and the Position of Russia. Interacademic Catalog: Russian Civilization: History and Present Day 1: 75-81    

Academic: Referee work – Peer review activity 

6 Journals: Russia XXI · Review of Volzhsky University named after V.N. Tatishchev · Vector of Science of Togliatti State University · Russia and Germany: Digest of Russian and German Co-Research · Russian Civilization: History and Present Day ·  Catalog of International Research Conference: Russia and the West in the 17th-20th Centuries: History, Relations, Integration 

18 Conferences: 16 March 2018 International Academic Conference: Problems of Modern Linguistic and Political Science, Moscow, Peoples’ Friendship University (RUDN),Russia and the Napoleonic Wars Mezotnes, Latvia 15 -19 May 2014 LSE IDEAS · World International Studies Committee The 2nd Global International Studies Conference What keeps us apart, what keeps us together? International Order, Justice, Values. University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 23-26 July 2008 · Challenges of Global and European Politics. Russia, The Academy of State Service. 2005-2011

Academic: University Textbooks 

2007 Goncharova O., Solodovnikova T. European Socio-political System. (manual) Voronezh: Nauchnaya Kniga 

2006 Goncharova O., Solodovnikova T. A History of West European Culture. Part I. (manual) Voronezh: Nauchnaya Kniga

Member in Organisations 

2006 – today Russian International Study Association