Articles in journals
- Koteleva N. I., Kuznetsov V. V.
, Vasilyeva N. V. A Simulator for Educating the Digital Technologies Skills in Industry. Part One. Dynamic Simulation of Technological Processes / Applied Sciences , № 11, 2021. С 10855 - 10855 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Korolev N. A.
, Zhukovskiy Y. L., Baranov G. A. A soft sensor for measuring the wear of an induction motor bearing by the park’s vector components of current and voltage / Sensors, № 21, Т 23, 2021. С 7900 - 7900 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Khokhlov S. V.
, Frenkel I. V. Digitalization in Open-Pit Mining: A New Approach in Monitoring and Control of Rock Fragmentation / Applied Sciences , № 11, 2021. С 10848 - 10848 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Frenkel I. I.
Digital processing of seismic data from open-pit mining blasts / Applied Sciences (Switzerland), № 11, Т 1, 2021. pp. 1 - 14 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Korolev N. A.
, Zhukovskiy Y. L. Identification of the Technical Condition of Induction Motor Groups by the Total Energy Flow / Energies, № 14, 2021. С 1 - 20 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Tkachev I. V.
Virtual Soft Sensor of the Feedstock Composition of the Catalytic Reforming Unit / Symmetry, № 13, 2021. С 1233 - 1233 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Buslaev G. B.
, Valnev V. V., Kunshin A. A. AUGMENTED REALITY SYSTEM AND MAINTENANCE OF OIL PUMPS / International Journal of Engineering (IJE), № 33, V 8, 2020. С 1 - 8 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Buslaev G. B.
AUGMENTED REALITY SYSTEM AND MAINTENANCE OF OIL PUMPS / International Journal of Engineering (IJE), № 33, V 8, 2020. С 1 - 8 . Детали
- Zhukovskiy Y. L., Korolev N. A.
, Koteleva N. I. Diagnostics of an asynchronous motor powered from a self-commutated voltage inverte / IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, № 560, V 1, 2019. С 1 - 7 . Детали
- Zukovskiy Y. L., Koteleva N. I.
Electrical equipment maintenance system with elements of augmented reality technology / IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , № 643, Т 1, 2019. С 1 - 6 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Moldovan D. V.
, Chernobai V. I. Entry stability in steeply inclined thick coal seam at underground hydraulic mining / International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, № 10, 2019. С 817 - 824 . Детали
- Zhukovskiy Y. L., Korolev N. N.
About increasing informativity of diagnostic system of asynchronous electric motor by extracting additional information from values of consumed current parameter / Journal of Physics: Conference Series, № 1015, Т 32158, 2018. С 0 - 0 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Zhukovskiy Y. L.
Diagnostics and evaluation of the residual life of an induction motor according to energy parameters / Journal of Physics: Conference Series, № 1050, 2018. pp. 12106 - 12106 . Детали
- Vasilyeva N. V., Ivanov P. V.
, Koteleva N. I. Quality analysis of technological process control / International Journal for Quality Research, № 12, V 1, 2018. С 111 - 128 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Vasilyeva N. V.
, Fedorova E. R. Real-time control data wrangling for development of mathematical control models of technological processes / Journal of Physics: Conference Series, № 1015, Т 32067, 2018. С 0 - 0 . Детали
Publications in collections, proceedings, conferences
- Zhukovskiy Y. L.,
Koteleva N. I. Development of augmented reality system for servicing electromechanical equipment. / //Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University ITBI 2018 , 2018. С 0 - 0.
- Zhukovskiy Y. L.,
Koteleva N. I. Method of Data storing, collection and aggregation for definition of life-cycle resources of electromechanical equipment. / //St.Peterburg: OP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science , Т 87, 2017. pp. 1 - 6.
В 2007 году окончила Санкт-Петербургский горный университет им. Г.В. Плеханова (технический университет) с присвоением квалификации «инженер» по специальности «Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств»
С 2007 года - инженер МУНЛ «Современных технологий АСУП и АСУТП»
В 2010 защитила кандидатскую дисертацию по специальности 05.13.06 "Автоматизация технологчесих процессов и производств"
С 2010 работала на кафдере автоматизации технологических процессов и производств в должности ассистента и с 2013 года в должности доцента.
Articles in journals
- Koteleva N. I., Kuznetsov V. V.
, Vasilyeva N. V. A Simulator for Educating the Digital Technologies Skills in Industry. Part One. Dynamic Simulation of Technological Processes / Applied Sciences , № 11, 2021. С 10855 - 10855 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Korolev N. A.
, Zhukovskiy Y. L., Baranov G. A. A soft sensor for measuring the wear of an induction motor bearing by the park’s vector components of current and voltage / Sensors, № 21, Т 23, 2021. С 7900 - 7900 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Khokhlov S. V.
, Frenkel I. V. Digitalization in Open-Pit Mining: A New Approach in Monitoring and Control of Rock Fragmentation / Applied Sciences , № 11, 2021. С 10848 - 10848 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Frenkel I. I.
Digital processing of seismic data from open-pit mining blasts / Applied Sciences (Switzerland), № 11, Т 1, 2021. pp. 1 - 14 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Korolev N. A.
, Zhukovskiy Y. L. Identification of the Technical Condition of Induction Motor Groups by the Total Energy Flow / Energies, № 14, 2021. С 1 - 20 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Tkachev I. V.
Virtual Soft Sensor of the Feedstock Composition of the Catalytic Reforming Unit / Symmetry, № 13, 2021. С 1233 - 1233 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Buslaev G. B.
, Valnev V. V., Kunshin A. A. AUGMENTED REALITY SYSTEM AND MAINTENANCE OF OIL PUMPS / International Journal of Engineering (IJE), № 33, V 8, 2020. С 1 - 8 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Buslaev G. B.
AUGMENTED REALITY SYSTEM AND MAINTENANCE OF OIL PUMPS / International Journal of Engineering (IJE), № 33, V 8, 2020. С 1 - 8 . Детали
- Zhukovskiy Y. L., Korolev N. A.
, Koteleva N. I. Diagnostics of an asynchronous motor powered from a self-commutated voltage inverte / IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, № 560, V 1, 2019. С 1 - 7 . Детали
- Zukovskiy Y. L., Koteleva N. I.
Electrical equipment maintenance system with elements of augmented reality technology / IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , № 643, Т 1, 2019. С 1 - 6 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Moldovan D. V.
, Chernobai V. I. Entry stability in steeply inclined thick coal seam at underground hydraulic mining / International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, № 10, 2019. С 817 - 824 . Детали
- Zhukovskiy Y. L., Korolev N. N.
About increasing informativity of diagnostic system of asynchronous electric motor by extracting additional information from values of consumed current parameter / Journal of Physics: Conference Series, № 1015, Т 32158, 2018. С 0 - 0 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Zhukovskiy Y. L.
Diagnostics and evaluation of the residual life of an induction motor according to energy parameters / Journal of Physics: Conference Series, № 1050, 2018. pp. 12106 - 12106 . Детали
- Vasilyeva N. V., Ivanov P. V.
, Koteleva N. I. Quality analysis of technological process control / International Journal for Quality Research, № 12, V 1, 2018. С 111 - 128 . Детали
- Koteleva N. I., Vasilyeva N. V.
, Fedorova E. R. Real-time control data wrangling for development of mathematical control models of technological processes / Journal of Physics: Conference Series, № 1015, Т 32067, 2018. С 0 - 0 . Детали
Publications in collections, proceedings, conferences
- Zhukovskiy Y. L.,
Koteleva N. I. Development of augmented reality system for servicing electromechanical equipment. / //Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University ITBI 2018 , 2018. С 0 - 0.
- Zhukovskiy Y. L.,
Koteleva N. I. Method of Data storing, collection and aggregation for definition of life-cycle resources of electromechanical equipment. / //St.Peterburg: OP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science , Т 87, 2017. pp. 1 - 6.