2005-2009 - received a bachelor's degree in engineering and technology, specializing in “Geology and Mineral Exploration”, St. Petersburg Mining University.
2009-2011 - received a master's degree in engineering and technology according to "Geology and Mineral Exploration", St. Petersburg Mining University.
2014 - defended Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Ontogenous analysis of vein quartz to assess the quality of quartz raw materials”, Crystallography, mineralogy - 25.00.05.
2014-2015 - Leading Engineer of the Department of Mineralogy, Crystallography and Petrography of St. Petersburg Mining University.
2015 - 2019 - Deputy Director of the Mining Museum for scientific work of St. Petersburg Mining University.
2019 - 2021 - Scientific Director of the Mining Museum.
2021- present time - Vise director of Mining museum.