Due to the huge amount of redundant data, the problem arises of finding a single integral solution that will satisfy numerous possible accuracy options. Mathematical processing of such measurements by traditional geodetic methods can take significant time and at the same time does not provide the required accuracy. This article discusses the application of nonlinear programming methods in the computational process for geodetic data. Thanks to the development of computer technology, a modern surveyor can solve new emerging production problems using nonlinear programming methods—preliminary computational experiments that allow evaluating the effectiveness of a particular method for solving a specific problem. The efficiency and performance comparison of various nonlinear programming methods in the course of trilateration network equalization on a plane is shown. An algorithm of the modified second-order Newton’s method is proposed, based on the use of the matrix of second partial derivatives and the Powell and the Davis–Sven–Kempy (DSK) method in the computational process. The new method makes it possible to simplify the computational process, allows the user not to calculate the preliminary values of the determined parameterswithhighaccuracy,sincetheuseofthismethodmakesitpossibletoexpandtheregionof convergence of the problem solution.